
Neotropical Blind Snake, Amerotyphlops cf brongersmianus - reptilenesia

Neotropical Blind Snake, Amerotyphlops cf brongersmianus Identification Size. 325 mm TL, tail about 2.1% SVL. Identification. Cigar-shape...

reptilenesia 20 Jul, 2021

Trinidad Blindsnakes - Amerotyphlops trinitatus - reptilenesia

Note similarity between head and tail. Trinidad Blindsnakes,  Amerotyphlops trinitatus  TRAITS. These snakes resemble earthworms and have li...

reptilenesia 20 Jul, 2021

The 21st century blindsnake revolution - Reptilenesia

Brongersma's Wormsnake ( Amerotyphlops brongersmianus ), a widespread species from South America Blindsnakes (Scolecophidia) don't g...

reptilenesia 25 Apr, 2021

The most widespread snake in the world - Reptilenesia

Global distribution of snakes Snakes are found in almost all parts of the world, with the exception of New Zealand and Ireland, the polar re...

reptilenesia 25 Apr, 2021

Screech Owls and Blindsnakes: An Unlikely Mutualism - Reptilenesia

Adult Eastern Screech Owl at a nest box In the 1970s and 80s, a pair of biologists at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, Fred Gehlbach and R...

reptilenesia 25 Apr, 2021