
How many snakes are venomous and how many are constrictors? - Reptilenesia

Data from  all 3,631 living species of snakes in The Reptile Database as of April 2017. I made the assumption that prey-killing behavior did...

reptilenesia 25 Apr, 2021

Snakes with feet, anti-goo saliva, and more recent updates - Reptilenesia

More of the latest snake news and research (for other recent updates, see posts from  March , June , and August )—and, perhaps the most exci...

reptilenesia 25 Apr, 2021

Asymmetrical snakes - Pareas margaritophorus - Reptilenesia

Pareas margaritophorus Animals have a long tradition of being bilaterally symmetrical - that is, of the left side and the right being nearly...

reptilenesia 25 Apr, 2021