
What's the big deal about these snake genomes anyway? - Reptilenesia

King Cobra ( Ophiophagus hannah ; top) and Burmese Python ( Python bivittatus ; bottom), the two snake species whose genomes were fully sequ...

reptilenesia 25 Apr, 2021

Snake poop and the adaptive ballast hypothesis - Reptilenesia

Alternate title suggested by David Steen :  Why snakes might benefit from holding it  Most people probably spend as little time as possible ...

reptilenesia 25 Apr, 2021

Snakes that Give Virgin Birth - Reptilenesia

In continuing association with the group that brought you the #SnakesAtYourService  December blog carnival , this post is part of the new Re...

reptilenesia 25 Apr, 2021

The first invasive snake - Reptilenesia

Wolf Snakes ( Lycodon aulicus ) have become established on Mauritius, where they threaten native skinks and geckos Reptiles have been moving...

reptilenesia 25 Apr, 2021