Fungal Diseases in Reptiles & Snakes - Reptilenesia


Fungus can cause various types of disease, often affecting multiple body organs or systems in the reptile. These infections can occur anywhere in its body, including the skin, respiratory tract, stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, and spleen. Unfortunately, most fungal diseases can be terminal for the reptile.

Fungal infections can occur in reptiles because of a variety of reasons, including: Excessively high humidity. Low environmental temperature. Low immunity due to another disease

Symptoms and Types of Reptile Fungus

The reptile will generally show signs of weight loss and have a lack of appetite. Other symptoms are dependent on the site of infection. If it occurs in the respiratory system, the reptile will have trouble breathing. An infection in the stomach or intestines will cause it to develop internal sores, which heal slowly.

Causes in Reptiles and Snakes

Fungal infections can occur in reptiles because of a variety of reasons, including:

Excessively high humidity

Low environmental temperature

Low immunity due to another disease

Improper nutrition


Poor breeding practices (husbandry)

Poor sanitation of the reptile's environment


Injury or trauma

Treatment with Antifungal

Antifungal medicines are used to treat the reptile's infection. Unfortunately, a full recovery of the animal rarely occurs. Surgery to remove the fungal mass in the area of infection can prove successful. However, an antibiotic treatment is usually recommended following surgery to prevent any secondary infection.


Good sanitation and a well-balanced diet may decrease the incidents of fungal diseases in reptiles.

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