The Top 5 BEST Beginner Snakes! - Reptilenesia

we've had a lot of requests for this so today we will be sharing with you our top 5 best snakes for beginners when judging these species to be added to the list we based our decision on 5 different categories. 

 the snakes temperament its adult size its feeding habits the price of the snake and its availability coming in at number 5 on the list would be garter snakes these are awesome curious little snakes they are active during the daytime, they're technically crepuscular which means they're most active at dawn and dusk but they are so much fun to just watch exploring their entire enclosure they only get around 2 to 3 feet long so they stay a pretty the decent size they don't get overly large and any means by any means and you can comfortably house a single adult in just a 20-gallon long enclosure or 20 gallon long tank and you can keep a group together in say a 40 or even a 75 gallon tank with almost every other species of snake it's best to house them individually but garter snakes are pretty social so if you're looking for a the snake that you can keep multiples of in the same habitat a garter snake would be perfect this is one species that seems to do best with a heat source coming from above in the form of light like a basking light as opposed to a heat mat from underneath these are natural baskets so they prefer to come out and bask under the Sun which is why they prefer that light but that causes this species to be more easily viewable snake they're not just gonna hide in a cave all day they will be out and basking throughout the day another nice thing about garter snakes is they have huge appetites and they can eat a variety of different food items if you don't like feeding mice to snakes a garter snake might be a good option for you because they eat other things like worms and fish although it's good to mix in mice here and there just for a variety of different nutrients to be added to their diet if you feed them things like fish and worms it's a good idea to use calcium or a multivitamin powder on their food items to make sure they're getting all the vitamins that they need they can also be fed a pure rodent diet just fine but if you're feeding mostly a fish diet oh the rodent route you do have to make sure you are careful what species of fish you feed this snake because there are many feeders fish out there that contain an enzyme called thymine ace and that can cause neurological issues in garter snakes I'm not gonna cover it in today's if you want to learn more about thymine ice watch this video right here one drawback to the garter snake is its handleability they as adults if you work with them are excellent and they don't mind being handled at all as you can see here but as babies, they're very squirmy and if you get a new adult that has not been socialized since it was a baby, they are even more squirmy and it takes a while to calm them down now with regular handling sessions like 15 minutes twice a day you can get them to calm down over a couple of weeks or so but be prepared to get must on by the garter snake until it calms down and learns that you are not something to be afraid of they the defense mechanism is two must use so your hands are going to be quite smelly after their training sessions finally with garter snakes the nice thing is they do not cost that much like compared to some other species of snakes out there garter snakes are around like twenty dollars for wild type colorations and upwards of like $50 for albinos like this girl here however they are hard to find it is actually easier to find the albino this is an albino checkered garter snake and they're easier to find them the normal wild-type coloration the captive-bred that is most wild type garter snakes that you see available for sale our field-collected which means they are wild-caught they are collected from the field because of that they're usually cheaper however you don't want a wild cut garter snake because they're gonna be really squirmy since they don't know who you are or what people are be you believe taking wild specimens from a wild population and it's never a good idea to do that and see wild cat snakes often have parasites or other health issues that you have to take care of so if you want to garter snake I highly recommend that you get a captive bred individual it might be a little bit more expensive to get one that's captive-breed and you may have to go for like and I'll buy now because some normal type colorations are really hard to find captive-bred but it'll be worth that extra because then you won't have to bring it to like a vet or treat it for parasites or some other crazy bills that you may incur for getting a wild cat individual. 

 number four on our list of best beginner snakes is the Mexican black king snake these are awesome snakes they look beautiful unfortunate mine is in sheds so it's more like a Mexican gray king snake for filming today but that's okay there's still a beautiful snake they're almost like you're a doesn't in the right light you see like the whole rainbow of colors in their scales Mexican black king snakes also stay around three to four feet long so they don't get very big and from our experience they are the most docile species of king snake out there king snakes have big appetites and they do - they're great at eating they're very rarely a picky species of snake but usually with king snakes that also means that they are a little mouthy when it comes to handling - but from what we've found the Mexican black king snake is very docile especially if you handle it while it's young and they're just an overall very calm species of snake now of course this does vary based on the individual but from what we've found Mexican black kingsnakes are excellent at handling because of their small adult size at only 3 to 4 feet you can comfortably house an adult in a 40 gallon tank or similar size tub enclosure the downside to Mexican black king snakes would be their price and availability because of how awesome these snakes are they're in high high demand and there's not a ton of breeders of them out there so you know what the whole supply-demand scenario the ones that you do find are very expensive the cheapest I found for Mexican black king snakes the last year of 2018 was $200 very rarely you can maybe find a couple individuals for sale from a breeder for like a hundred and fifty but those are snatched up really quickly so you can expect to pay between 200 to 250 for a single Mexican black king snake which is funny because we have some reptile breeder friends we were talking to not too long ago and they were saying how just like 20 years ago Mexican black kingsnakes sold for $30 each which is ridiculous compared to today's prices but that's simply because there were so many and back then and not as high of a demand so they could only sell for $30 but with the increased popularity in the species especially in the last like year we've found their prices have skyrocketed since not many people breed them anymore give them a couple years though and their price point will start to go back down again as more people start breeding them again.

 number three on our list is the ball python this is the most popular pet snake in America the last time I checked anyway there's some other species catching up close to it though but they're very popular for good reason ball pythons have very gentle dispositions making them very easy to handle even for younger reptile enthusiast these are an excellent snake to just hand off to a kid and it's they don't move very quickly which makes them very easy to hold they're also very easy to find go to any reptile expo and about 50% of the snakes the vendors will have for sale will be ball pythons because there's so many of them available their price point is pretty low so they're affordable as well and they stay pretty small they only get about 4 to 5 feet long depending on their gender and how good of eaters they are on top of all that they come in a huge variety of color morphs in 2018 there were over 5,000 different morphs recorded for the ball python and that's because there's not only color mutations when it comes to the snake but also pattern mutations and then you can combine them and get like countless possibilities when I count list there's like 5,000 but still there's a lot of different mutations of ball pythons available so whether you want a yellow one or a white one or in a black one you can usually find it for sale some warts are more expensive than others but for the variety of colors you can get it's really not too bad keep in mind though that ball pythons are nocturnal you can tell because their pupils are vertical slits that's a sign that a snake is awake at night and because of that they are pretty sedentary during the day during the day you'll most often find them curled up in their favorite hide and at night is when they come out what morph is that one this is a lemon blast male lemon blast ball python the we have the snake is because someone who lives close to us couldn't get him to eat and that is the big drawback to the species of snake not saying all of them are picky ears but if you're a ball python comes from a breeder who fed it only live or fed it only mice it can be really hard to transition them to frozen thawed rodents or two rats once they become of the right size to handle right and even a baby ball python is able to handle rat pups or straight from the egg so a lot of breeders will feed them rat pups so that they're already used to eating rats and that'll be their diet their entire life just bigger and older rats as they age then they don't have to transition from mice as babies to rats as an adult because this species can be a picky eater and if you start with a ball python you don't wanna have for your first make be a picky eater that you have to work with to get it to start eating it's because of these feeding habits that we put the ball python at number three when it was close to being. 

 number two on the list we just heard so many stories from people who have owned a ball python saying that theirs didn't wanna eat or would only eat live and it's just kind of a hassle and it's stressful if that is your very first snake number two on our list is the milk snake these are an excellent snake great starter snakes from many reasons they only get between 2 and 5 feet long depending on the species so you do have to do your research to make sure you're getting the species that will get to the size that you want to accommodate as an adult smaller species include the Nelsons milk snake which are cute little milk snakes and larger species include like this one which is the Mexican milk snake this is our Mexican milk snake she's about 4 ish feet long and she's about 14 years old so she will not be getting much larger and she is as you can see very great at handling they can't be a little Wiggly as babies and a little bit musky as babies but they come down really quickly we found as long as you regularly handle them so that makes them great as far as temperament goes milk snakes are also great eaters they are technically a species of king snake milk snakes are king snakes so that just kind of tells you they're gonna be good eaters still eat Liability frozen thawed they like really any size they don't care this one was being fed live rats before we go out here she was kind of a rescue situation and she has some scars along her back from those live mice or live rats and when we got her we realized she's kind of overweight so we switched her to mice and we wanted to offer her frozen thawed instead of live and we were kind of wondering is she gonna take it and she took it instantly she didn't care and the other milk snakes I own have also taken frozen thawed with no problem whatsoever milk snakes are a little bit harder to find then ball pythons at both pet stores and the reptile Expos and because of that their price point is a little bit higher you can expect to pay between $75 to a hundred and fifty dollars for kind of your basic milk snakes like without any of the really fancy morphs albinos are of course a little bit more expensive but still are within that 75 to 150 dollar range at least as babies so they're not too badly priced because of their slightly higher price point though we put them in second place because first place goes to the corn snake these are the best starter snake in our opinion they come in all sorts of color mutations just like ball pythons do and they are very readily available on the market they're easy to find at both pet stores reptile stores and reptile Expos which we of course recommend buying one from a breeder instead of themselves just so you can get to know the breeder and the individual snake and its genetics but since they're so easy to find they're also very inexpensive they're very affordable snakes the basic corn snake gives only like twenty dollars from a breeder and then they're more to go upwards of save around 100 to 150 for most morphs and there's of course some more expensive ones too but for the most part they're really inexpensive snakes they also only get 4 to 6 feet long depending on their sex again just like with other snakes females typically get bigger than males this is a male he is a blood-red mutation which means he has no pattern as an adult on his dorsal side and his belly is also a nice white color we would not recommend a blood-red mutation corn snake though because from what we've been told from for some professionals in the field is that this particular mutation has the weakest immune system so they're more likely to get sick so I would go with something like an a melanistic or an oaky tea or really just a normal wild-type corn snake is really pretty in of itself as you can see they're really easygoing snakes I mean the elements have been - but these it as a whole are very calm snakes again as babies just like with most cooler Birds or most baby snakes in general they can be a little bit tail buzzy or a little defensive and they might be kind of Wiggly but with regular handling they calm down like right away they're very curious snakes and they explore their habitats more than like ball pythons - which are a little bit more sedentary and corn snakes unlike some other species are fantastic eaters for the most part of course there are always exceptions of some snakes no matter how good of eaters they typically are some are gonna be picky but I've never run across a corn snake that didn't want to eat honestly I've heard of a couple but all the ones I've owned have eaten live in previous homes and frozen thawed at our homes they eat without hesitation there's no special tricks involved like with scenting they just eat right then and there since corn snakes pass all five of our grading categories they have great temperaments they don't get overly large compared to some other species they have great eating habits and they are very easy to find and inexpensive those are all five four categories . 

 this is the number one snake we would recommend for a beginner snake owner however we love all five of the snake species we recommended in today's top five beginner list they are great snakes some just have some quirks but they're also unique in their own ways they're all amazing snakes to consider for your first snake of course don't forget to do your research on the species that you want to purchase for your first snake get the entire habitat ready and have it set up for several days so you can make sure that the humidity and temperature levels are correct for that species before you take it home and introduce it into its new enclosure I hope you enjoyed our very first top 5 video we've never done one of these before but since we got a lot of requests for it we've had to do it if you enjoyed it let us know maybe we'll do a top 5 intermediate snakes that we would recommend and a future episode thanks again for watching today's video and we'll see you next time okay just have like a runny nose which is causing everything a lot to blow your nose yes what's that one um I haven't written I don't know I could texture I'll text her quick I can't find it we could guess the spider it's like a spider blast right that thumbs has here any pastels I'm not too familiar with but I know like the basic ball plate that morphs but I don't know that fancy one he's got spider in him obviously he's got that reduced but what else does he have looks like a lemon blast sprayer to me she responded already that's quick he's a London blast yes have you called it totally off the top my head awesome thank you
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