Green Tree Monitor Care (Varanus Prasinus) - The Diamond Lizards
oh and check out the reptile West first
channel I got most of my care tips from she's awesome with her monitors I
love that lady so go check her out she's
really good it's the reptile Whisperer
and so they have a four by six by two
and a half they come from the island of
New Guinea so it's the tropics I have
some driftwood that we found out in a
crook but out in the pasture then
there's you can see with the glare the
female is right there that's the female
she's got about six or so inches to go
first, she's ready to breed I got this
pair from Ben Siegel not too long ago so
here it is it's I got all the vines and
everything from just a local art store a
lot cheaper that way than going and
buying the reptile ones the bought the bedding I have about three to four
inches only open this three to four
inches of Coco fiber and coconut husk
mixed up together they have a large
water ball in the corner they don't
really use it though but a lot of fakes
vines they're not knocked them I mean
just do not think mine's fake plants and
knocked them all over a little log the female go down there every now and
then and stay under there they have a
big nest box it is two and a half long
by a foot deep and a foot high they
sleep in here when she's big enough
will lay her eggs in here
and here is to get rid of that glare
- 100 watt tight beams you made bulbs so
they have a gradient this is the hottest
cuz it's higher and then back here it
lowers down and then a two-foot-long 5.0
Exo Terra
I believe you ve bulb it's 5.0 no need
for a 10 or a 2 would be way too low
okay the male is in here I blocked it I
did it in my last video - so I see you
can actually see here cuz they're pretty
fighting there they're not mean by any
means but they will run the male is in
here he's asleep but here that is there are 4 so inches of Forrest moss and
the humidity in the next box should be
from seventy to a hundred never below 70 whenever they're shedding they'll
go in there I got these guys to have
some sticky sheds in their tail they go
in their sleep every night it's all gone
not a problem so then it needs to be
moistened I would say up to three times
a day.
I do moist in there spray their cage
with that it's just like a pesticide sprayer that I just got at Walmart it's
like 10 bucks hold a lot of water it's
good for that I got the walls
aligned with Coco fiber I saw her up to
your hacks do that and I really like
the idea
so it's lined with that it works really
good she's on it right now as you can
see um and let's see what else what else
what else care ok feeding these guys
will eat I just got them in so I don't
know they're well I say that in just
about four or five days ago I just got a
man so they're real eating habits or not
I'm not for sure on those but as of
right now each of them are eating 15
crickets a day what that's for what I'd
suspect expect.
I mean I wouldn't try to god think that
would stay the same because more
then 15 is quite a bit for these little
guys that will eat any nearly any
kind of worm you offer them I've offered
a mil worms the only thing I have had
available and they love them the
crickets are definitely their favorite
this basking spot right here what does
it read this is definitely the
hottest that is reading 120 right here
and that's the hottest and it goes down
what about right here is
about 110 right here being about 115 so
they have a good gradient and then right
here this is about a hundred so it's a
good they can throw a regular it really
good get as hot as cold as I want not a
problem their humidity and the top of
the cage holds the whole cage I keep the
bottom half that stays right around that
stays roughly 6,200 down there at all
times and up top it's a little lower
than that because it's a lot harder to
maintain that with these heat lights.
I got he has a video on how to make a
homemade humidifier I did it exactly how
he said it and I love this idea it works
great it gets to the bottom of the cage the bottom half good and then the top half I
have to spray the mist will not travel
up from the top but that's fine I could
have put the nozzle I have it just
spring foamed in there to where it went
where it won't move around I couldn't
put it up higher but I just liked the
look of it down lower and let's see the water you can I offer mine a large water a dish that is I think a Zilla makes that
from right they don't ever use it .they
just drink whenever I spray them down
see questions what else what
else mm-hmm has just passed parasites
yes I have not gotten these guys tested
yet that is something I'm planning on
doing here directly been said I got a
firm in Segal he said that he had not
treated them yet
tested them yet they don't test test
them unless I suspect that they have
them like they're really skinnies and
their pin bones are showing and they
these guys don't seem to be like that so
I'm hoping they don't have them but it's
not a guarantee let's see okay what else
what else the UVB is
definitely a must with these guys they
come from the tropics they have to have
the light for vitamin D synthesis they
have to absorb that without it you can
get the vitamin D and the calcium I am
using let me see if I can find it okay I
used a this is their multivitamin it's
type devise I really like this product.
and I use the same line I don't go find
it but reptile it's calcium I have tried
the flu cures costume flutters flickers
whatever I do not like this it was cheap
so I got it I don't like it
it doesn't whenever like I shake the
crickets up it doesn't stick to them at
all so that's pretty much pointless I
don't like it at all
so I would definitely stick to rep cow
they're really good I like all their
products their vitamins and stuff okay
dokay what else what else what else what
else okay um
nest box yeah they got that breeding I
don't have any experience with that yet
for breeding, I would definitely go to
the reptile whispers Channel.
really good with that
she's had she has some eggs an incubator
right now I believe she has Moranis
McRae Iver and scored Ensis branes
believe she has some yellow tree
sprinters and jari and then she has
obviously, breast process these guys
really cool love her Channel love rep
tea racks who else Rhett phibian kid
that got this gave me an idea for the
committee fire really like that
the vines is a must I need these to feel
comfortable give a naturalistic look to
their cage aesthetically for them and
he do you
I like him a lot the male sleeping I
promise I will get a video of him up the last one didn't have him either I'm
sorry he is bigger than her she's oh
I don't know how to give you a judgment
she's pretty frisky but I have a pretty
big hand and there it is with her so
she's a good size but she definitely has
to get better before she'll be able to
he's definitely ready size-wise but yeah
I got these guys from men's Segal I
really like the reptiles like the way
they do business really good people
definitely recommend using them with any
questions just care that in cover send
me a message and I'll definitely get
back to you as soon as I can