Asian Vine Snakes!!! A venomous snake you can free handle?? - the Unique Snake

hey, friends, I come back, we're kind of doing a whole group of filming in here today uh but we are in our zoo currently we're showing off one of our newer zoo animals now these came to us by way of a gentleman our lady i don't remember which now was a gentleman wasn't it I think so we think so and they sold off a chunk of a collection more or less and this was part of that collection so these are two a pair of Asian vine snakes now Asian vine snakes.

a few things about them is they're a little bit difficult to keep in the sense that they are lizard eaters typically so that's kind of what they like but you can see where their name comes from they're extremely long for their body size and they are venomous so yes we are free handling a venomous snake right now but let me put a little bit more context on that there they're venomous but not dangerous and you may be saying what but they're a rear fang snake and they have a very very mild toxin likely could not even get the rear fangs into you, if they did bite you and if they did it's going to be like ow stop that it's not going to be anything deadly and dangerous you're not going to go to the hospital you're not going to lose an arm nothing like that it'll be really really. 

 mild super mild so there is no fear in free handling these at all Caleb's not taking any risk if he gets bit it's not going to do anything they do tend to like to bite in the face so I said he could be the one to do that because who the hell likes being bit in the face not this guy by anything even you really can't do much damage but yeah you're looking I see you give me the side-eye so they have a really cool body shape that's where the name comes from they look like a vine, you can see the head has got some width to it forgetting that little lizard body down but they're mostly just this really long. 

 beautiful green snake they're pretty common in the pet trade but if you do want to get into them you do need to check we actually cannot sell these in the city limits we can possess them because of our pet shop license but technically we can't sell them because they are a rear-fanged venomous species so some of your local laws may say no ours do now if you live in different states it's going to be different and even each municipality for example living out in the country if i wanted to keep these at my house i likely would be okay living in the city i cannot do it uh some folks will tell you that all rear fang venomous snakes are not deadly that is not true these guys aren't deadly your hog knows that you're technically a rear fang venomous snake are not deadly they're really common in the pet trade garter snakes another one are not deadly. 

 boom slangs are another one they'll kill you uh don't with boom slangs just because rear fang does not always mean not deadly but in this case it most certainly does and then you want to talk about these Asian vines probably my favorite thing is there's three different species of Asian vines um and each species has its own diet okay so this species here is a lizard and fish eater and they're mainly going to be on your lizards um and then there's another species that are strictly fish that's all they'll eat you can't even get them to eat a nose like you can these guys and there's another species that eats both those and bird eggs. 

 well some of them are easier than the other they all suck honestly, though this one is the species that you want um because they eat a knolls and fish which are your two most readily available but what if i have bird eggs i mean i would not feed one from the wild just because you don't i mean you don't know what parasites but Presley a lot of people will get like uh little quail eggs feed them that yup now is this one of the snakes i know there's a specific snake that does its the name escapes me now we'll eat the egg and it's got little spikes inside like it's a pops it pops the egg so then they go not this their actually, the common name is bur uh egg eater that's their name um the other cool thing about these guys. 

is like there's the way they move like they are just there will be times in there that i'm like oh shoot I'm missing one but it's really just they're so long and Viney that they just blend right in so well it's a great camouflage. 

 the other thing is their metabolism is much different than other snakes most of your snakes you feed once a week this one can eat two to three times a week and now part of that's due to being arboreal yes typically your snakes that are bored will have a much higher metallic they're moving a lot more yes and so like you can kind of look at it like this so let's look and take one extreme to let's take our blood pythons right our blood pythons pretty much sit they don't do they hang out and you don't have to feed them a whole lot, as a matter of fact, you want to not feed them all the time correct right they're fun we had to slow ourselves down because they're fun but you need to put them on a different feed schedule when they're adults babies and adults but you don't want to do your pythons well pythons are kind of that middle snake they're going to hide in their height a lot they may come out and do some cruising at night get a little exercise. 

 they can eat about once a week be good to go it's about perfect for them plus it's hard to get to feed every week anyway but when they're going that's not going to be a problem it's really hard i think to get a ball python truly obese yeah i haven't really seen it and then these guys being arboreal they move constantly these your green tree python Dremel tree boas.

 anything that's up in the trees all the time can probably eat a little more frequently and they also tend to not always eat huge meals exactly because that big chunk's going to slow them down so they prefer to eat some smaller meals more frequently than big meals every so often unlike your blood but you can give it a big meal and say bye I'll see you in a month and it's going to be content exactly so most of your snakes like you're saying you go off you know you want there to be slightly bulger or whatever these guys you don't even go off by the width of their belly you go by the size of their head you want the prey item you're eating to be a little bit smaller than their head if you look the head is not real big on these guys at all.

 i can lift that up for the camera there it's pretty tiny uh so you know you're thinking about it in the Nola the knoll is not a really big snake so it's kind of cool i always love their head shape too and in some ways, it's not exactly right but it almost reminds me of mambas because they got that coffin-shaped head yep you know these have a little bit different snout yeah but kind of that coffin head the shape you know. 

a really only thing a mom is also greens especially our border their eyes are very unique too yeah it's almost like a slit that's going the wrong way mm-hmm and i wonder i don't know a whole lot on their eyesight but i wonder if it has to do with just being able to see a knolls in in their camouflage and if we look at their belly really quick someone want to share just turn your hand right here so on their belly too if you look there's white lines it's going to wrap around the camera go through the belly on both sides so it's solid green except for those white lines right there which i think is really kind of neat it has just a splash of contrast and color in that green and then the belly green is actually a lighter green see the darker green i'll like a lime green there on the belly i can get that to show without pissing this thing off and then uh we got the white also pre-installed tail so you can see it's searching for purchase it's holding on the use that tail for a lot.

 kind of like your carpet pythons you want to be careful like i'm wearing a watch so i had to kind of watch that you don't want their tail to get pinched in there because they'll try to find a little crevice and stick that to hold on and you don't want to hurt them but speaking of your of their tail that's how you sex them you don't pop these guys, you can probe them you can't pop them the long tail like this is a female the longer that tail is it is a female really quick put in the comments if you know where a tail on a snake starts i do Caleb does and we are going to reveal it here in a second but there is a a spot where a tail on a snake actually begins people the think no the whole snake is on a tail we'll save that for our stupid snake stuff people say the whole thing is one big tool no no it's actually not. 

 uh we gave you enough time to comment that was just some cheesy crap to get you to write stuff to help us in the logarithm but the snake's tail actually starts at this butthole as we say in the trade of the cloaca so clicking back would be the actual tail forward of that is his body and here you can actually see it because i don't have to look at the clicker you can see right about there i bet i'm touching this butthole yeah but let's see you can kind of get a peek here where is your cloak a little one well maybe right there yeah there it is and there's a green the white line break and you can see it put my thumb there pull back that's where the clock is and that's where the tail begins so there is a body part of a tail a body ahead and all that they are more then just a tube and actually in some of your snakes your your pythons and your boas i believe you will actually have a hip bone. 

 in there uh right there by the cloaca where they think the legs and evolution used to be some of the thought processes so cool stuff yeah started shuttle factory they also want to share about these Asian vine snakes uh just one other thing is i mean you're gonna see a lot of you're probably gonna see it probably picks up better on the camera, there's probably a few bumps and bruises on these guys that is because 99.99 of your Asian vine snakes are wild caught and none of them come in as babies they always come in as adults and so that means they've taken a beating of surviving in the wild so we're gonna see that stuff as normal that's how these two came to us but what we're gonna show off on Patreon actually, if you remember is these two came in and then they had personality for about six months we think right then we purchased their collection more or less for the shop and kept what we wanted and sold off but we didn't uh i'm sorry this car reflects a big old snake moving and i went squirrel uh but with that they actually were grafted so we actually have what we would consider being captive hatched. 

 or their live birth so captive-born babies they weren't bred in captivity these have not been bred in captivity very successfully i'm sure it's happened but it's not something anybody's a great success seven times seven documented times i'm sure there's some random backward guys every week no uh but so we do have some captive born babies which is still pretty rare but they have a really long time that they're grabbing it's like nine months isn't it yeah so basically if you breathe these and you knock your wife or girlfriend up you'll have babies at the same time so it's kind of a cool clock uh don't try that Kurt did you breathe some Asian vine snakes no but she did put a bun in the oven right so everybody says congratulations card he's gonna have a baby boy correct okay he's so excited be excited can you be excited yeah all right uh so that's all i really got has she wanted anything current no okay what else you want to add nope let's go see those babies on Patreon you
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